40 life lessons on my 40th birthday
Reflections on entering this new decade as a woman, wife, entrepreneur, and mom ✨
I realized last week that turning 40 (today!), also means entering my 5th decade of life — which makes it seem even more significant.
In a very good way.
I’m excited for my forties. Turning 39 was actually the harder birthday.
Everyone who’s older than me says it’s been their best decade yet, and I can already see why — we’re pretty certain our family is complete, have found our relative flow, my business is established, our roots are planted in Florida for now, and I’ve found a wonderful group of friends here. Life feels settled, exciting, and full of potential all at the same time.
Looking back, my thirties were a wild ride — getting married, making a huge career pivot from the art world to nutrition, moving to Florida, completing my second master’s degree, becoming an entrepreneur, starting (& then dissolving) a business partnership, rebuilding my brand, going through fertility treatments, managing an autoimmune condition, and having our beautiful daughter. It’s amazing how much happ…