my favorite healthier cereal swaps and the snacks I'm packing for a weekend wedding
The Sunday E.D.I.T. | No. 13
I’m not quite sure what’s shifted or clicked into place over the last 4-6 weeks, but I’ve felt more at ease than I have in a really long time — personally and professionally.
That’s not to say there hasn’t been a lot going on, because there has been a lot going on— with some major curveballs to navigate.
Maybe those were the catalyst actually. Being able to surely and confidently navigate my way through them, trusting myself and listening to that internal wisdom you know is always right but tend to suppress regardless.
I think it’s also helped that I’ve basically taken a month off social media. I was tired of the constant pressure to create + being bombarded by advertisements. Have you missed me on Instagram? I promise I’ll be back very soon — refreshed, inspired and ready to share content again. What do you want to see more of?? LMK, details please!
Alright, let’s get to it.
This week I’m sharing a few favorite snacks I packed for a wedding in Detroit (we’re there right now actually, p…