Hi! I’m Erin

… and I’m here to help you feel nourished in all aspects of life, but especially nutrition. It’s my passion and purpose. The medicine I have to give.

Street cred? I’m a board certified nutritionist with 10+ years of experience in the wellness space. My private practice helps women understand their nutrition needs on a deeper level while also sorting through the wellness chatter and finding routines that work for their unique body and lifestyle.

But mostly, I’m a mom. It took me a while to get to this place with multiple rounds of IVF, surgery, and major lifestyle overhauls. It’s actually what catapulted me into the functional medicine world + made me appreciate the need for true nourishment. Something us moms just don’t prioritize enough.

My hope is to share the way I see the wellness world — with my point of view and approach to make nourishing yourself feel simple, doable, & effortless.

Thank you for following along. I know there are so many options out there, and it means the world that you’re here sharing this space with me.

Welcome to The Art of Nourishment

For simply being here —

  • The Sunday E.D.I.T. (see below) + occasional recipes and other fun things I’m inspired to share.

As a paid subscriber?

You’re ALL IN.

And I can assure you, I am too.

Because at this level ($8/month) I know you’re my crew. You want to be here. You care about what I have to offer, my viewpoint, my opinions — so get ready for newsletters you look forward to opening.

Here’s what you can expect —

The Sunday Edit: Weekly Newsletter

Your weekly invitation to take a moment and breathe ✨ expect a curated list of tips & musings covering nutrition, food, lifestyle, books, shopping, motherhood, and more. From a nutritionist’s perspective, but also as a mom sharing easy little things you can do for yourself and your family to keep everyone feeling their best.

Practical, Evidence-Based Nutrition

This. There’s so much noise in the nutrition and wellness space right now. As a functional medicine nutritionist who’s also mom to a 3-year old, I’m excited to share evidence-based nutrition + lifestyle practices for balancing hormones, healing your gut, and optimizing metabolism that also feel realistic to implement into your busy life. You can expect a deep dive post from me every Thursday exclusive to paid subscribers.

Nourishing Recipes

Both tested and off the cuff. If you know me, you know simple, yet delicious food is essential around here. Primarily focused on blood sugar balance + keeping your energy levels up and feeling fueled. But don’t worry, there will be plenty of chocolate too.

Curated Recipe Collections & Meal Planning Ideas

Every month I’ll share a curated list of recipes (my own + from other women creators I admire) to help you plan your meals and keep things exciting based the season, holidays, etc.

Private Chat to Ask Erin Questions

Again, you’re here because you want to be. This is your space to ask me anything and everything. Plus to share your viewpoints too! Because they matter just as much.

Personal Notes & Reflections

The beauty of Substack is that it includes so many different ways to share my voice — blog posts, video, podcast style audio notes, community forums, and more. As a paid subscriber, you’ll have access to it all.

Bonus Content

Quarterly challenges, guidebooks, book club, giveaways & more

The Full Archive

Regardless of when you join, you’ll have access to all subscriber only content from day one.

Next steps?

If you are ready for tangible insights to deeply nourish yourself — you’re in the right place. Simply sign-up for the membership that works best for you, and I’ll see you in your inbox 💫

Subscribe to The Art of Nourishment

A collection of practical nutrition tips, recipes & more to live your most nourished life - from a functional medicine nutritionist, entrepreneur, and mom.


A functional medicine nutritionist & toddler mom who loves evidence-based nutrition as much as chocolate chip cookies and a good neutral. Forever searching for ways to live a nourishing life amidst the chaos and sharing with you here in the process.